Esteban Pombo Villar, CEO, Targimmune shared his insights on”different...
29th November 2018
5th November 2018 published ‘Going Public: A Guide for European Biotechs’ which leveraged Farmantra’s expertise on exit strategies and IPO through Nasdaq vs Euronext. Read More
25th October 2018 Farmantra organized a workshop ‘Early stage valuation: Narratives and Numbers’ in association with Danish Biotech association where Saurabh Mishra discussed: Pre-money, pricing, and valuation Negotiation strategy with investors How narratives play important role in valuation Risks and…
Another interesting ‘Valuation’ session for Farmantra at Karolinska institute where Saurabh Mishra, Managing partner, Farmantra S.L delivered valuable information to the delightful entrepreneurs of KI DRIVE. Takeaways : Early stage valuation is storytelling backed by numbers. Know your audience when…
14th March 2018 Aleap, Norway’s largest community for health startups invited Farmantra to give a talk on early stage valuation and the challenges faced by young Biotechs where Farmantra delivered valuable insights on early stage companies and the role of…
19th October 2017 published ‘Negotiating early stage Biotech valuation: VC vs Entrepreneurs’ authored by Saurabh Mishra, Managing Partner, Farmantra. Read More
4 July 2017 in Geneva, 5 July 2017 in Zurich : Saurabh Mishra, Partner at Farmantra volunteered to give a talk on Early stage Valuation for CFA society Switzerland.
Oct 29, 2015 : Optimize your Value from Discovery to Commercialization Farmantra and Black Swan Consulting welcome you to attend our conference on October 29th on the following topic.
December 2012: An Overview of Stem Cell Therapy The stem cell market is expected to reach US $ 63.8 billion by 2015. Higher growth rate is expected from countries such as China, India, Spain, Greece and Sweden which are at…
June 2012: We are pleased to share the news regarding our first conference organized on 7th June 2012 with the collaboration of Biocat and Barcelonactiva. The theme of the conference was: ‘Internationalization of Life sciences companies: the India paradigm’. The…